Unit 2-1, Pusat Komersial Koi, Jalan Puchong Batu 13 ½, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

Mon-Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm


 Site Asset Inventory

Keep a regular eye on your critical site assets remotely. Watch closely for any asset deterioration and take appropriate actions like maintenance or replacement in its response immediately.

 Asset Loss Prevention

Its better to safeguard your critical assets insted of loosing it, with proper strategy to put safety measures in place along with continuous guard security over assets with an advance guard patrol solution.

 Asset Report Access

Access asset report in detail via telegram, administration mobile app or command control center with easy downlodable formats from anywhere, anytime.

More Asset Management

Remote Asset Monetizing - Failure Prevention

Closely monitor status of your critical remote asset with a click and if needed, create work order and assign it to proper resource for its maintenance or repair work and watch the status of process in progress till completion.

Custom Checklist - Per Asset

Create custom checklist as per asset requirement and get notified continuously about asset status from anywhere, whenever officer visits the asset.

No Extra Hardware Required - Cost Saving

Save capital with zero hardware setup and maintaenence cost, as only employee mobile phone as hardware is required for all processes and authentication.

Features Availability
Site Workforce Attendance(E-register Kiosk - For All Employees)
Checkpoint and asset patrolling system
QR code based system
Custom Site Instructions(Asset Management)
Custom Site Survey (Asset Prevention)
Site Asset Incident/Issue Reporting
Admin Mobile Access - Asset Report
Site Routine Asset Inspection
Regular Email To Client On Site Asset Inspection
End Client ApplicationComing Soon!!
GPS Monitoring
Advanced Site Reporting and Analytics
Monthly Roosters
Performance Rating
Guard Document Management
PDF and Excel Reports
Social Media - Report Sharable links


One integrated solution

All guard attendance, checkpoint patrol and routine asset inspection, all in one integrated platform.

Market Leading Technology

A.I. aka face recognition, geo-fenced QR code, customized survey integration.

Continuous Technical Support

9.00 to 17.00 hours/Mon-Fri support team is ready to help in any site deployement or issue resolution.

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